Monday, 18 February 2013


Valentines Day. A day for love, chocolate, flowers and all that mushy stuff. So even though this was my first Valentines Day as an engaged women, I decided to spend the day catching up with my crazy beautiful friend, and author of Model Chocolate, Abigail O'neill. I've known her for years, but being 9 hrs apart and both being crazy busy all the time makes it finding time to catch up is difficult.

Abi has always been such an inspiration to me. Not only did she succeed in modelling after having 3 beautiful children, but is now on a mission to share the RAW CACAO LOVE with the rest of the world. She is one of the happiest people I know and has the most amazing talent for creating delicious, healthy food. So making a visit was high on my priority list before I rushed off back to Sydney, to share some laughs and pick up some tips to kickstart my new years/life resolution to eat clean, green and raw.

If you haven't already bought her E-Book you really won't regret it. Not only is it full of amazing, nutritious recipes but inspiring high fashion photographs that are an absolute visual delight.I've got it and I'm hanging out for the hard copy due out this year!

Anyway here is some snapshots of my Valentines Day date with Abi (and my fiancĂ©) at her amazing home where we ate Abi's amazing Salted Caramel covered in delicious raw chocolate (and I danced with her adorably affectionate dog Scruff).

For more information on Abi's book and some free recipes check out her website :

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